Operating in fast markets, decision makers cannot afford to make today’s decisions tomorrow. yet they cannot let their decisions go off target either. Decisions need to be made fast and made objective. In such demanding scenario, organizations need high level of visibility into their business. Decision makers must know events as soon as they happen. They need objective evaluation of their past and accurate insight on what’s coming with loads of transactional data archived in corporate databases, organizations need the tools to extract insight from this data.
Business intelligence (BI) is the process of analyzing organization’s accumulated data and extracting useful insight from it. It provides decision makers with the right information, at the right time, in the right place, enabling them to make better decision. A fully-integrated BI solution, SAPIENCE TM is armed with leading edge capabilities for reporting, querying, analysis and information subscription that empower users to extract and share profound business insight throughout their enterprise and beyond.

Preemptive Alerting
Data Mining
Guided Analysis
Sophisticated Analytics
Advanced Analysis
Multidimensional Reporting
Powerful Querying
Event Publishing & Evaluation
Key Benefits